Harper will be 6 months old on the 23rd of this month. Every thing is going great! No thrush and no ear infections! I am so relieved. She still isnt back to sleeping all night but thats ok. I can live with that as long as she is healthy.
The last month has been amazing in terms of development. She smiles all the time. She is beginning to reach out when she wants someone to hold her. I am telling you that there is no greater feeling on earth than walking in from work and when she sees me her little face just lights up! She gets big eyes, smiles with her mouth open and pants like a puppy dog. :) I get a similar reaction when I pick her up out of bed. She gets so excited in the bath tub and loves to splash and get toys in her mouth.
She can sit up all by herself now. She started out being able to do it on soft surfaces like my lap. Now she can do it on the floor! She is so proud. She is nowhere near crawling but she does move all over me and will try really hard to get to whatever it is that has her attention.
Since Harper spends 2 full days a week with Scott while I am at work, they have had to figure out what works for them. Recently, Scott put in Baby Einstein and she LOVES it! I really dont like the idea of her watching TV but I think these videos are great. And, if it helps them get through the day, thats ok with me. Scott and Harper seem to be getting along great. Once in a while, they get out and go to the store together. I think he likes the fact that people are so much nicer when you have a baby with you. Lots of smiles and nice comments.
A couple of weeks ago, the pediatrician suggested trying baby food to see if Harper would stay full longer and let me sleep (we skipped cereal). My brother picked up a couple of organic sweet potatoes and we made them into baby food. It was actually very easy! She seemed to love them. After about 4 evenings of that with no reaction, we took 2 organic avocados and made those into baby food. She seemed to take right to those as well. We gave her avocados for about 4 days. Her sleep may have slightly improved but not all that much. Her poo started to get a little weird so we quit food for awhile to make sure she wasnt going to get backed up. (she doesnt seem to miss it). From everything I have read since she is breastfed, she doesnt really have to have food even until she is a year old. We are just taking it slow. My own GI problems in the past have made me think twice about introducing foods at such a young age. I think I may give her some sweet potatoes tonight or maybe even pick something new! Its funny the things that are suddenly so much fun!
Coming up soon... a trip to the pumpkin patch in her cute butterfly costume (that I made entirely too big of a deal out of) and her 6 month pics with the fabulous Kristen Mackey!